Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval
 1.  For my 30 hours I plan to have a showcase with music acts including me and it would also be a live tweet event for all the acts including me.  With the showcase I will be presenting new artist and give them exposure.
      2.  The way I would show evidence is by providing pictures from the showcase and flyers. I                       would also have documents on notes I take for planning it. 
       3. Having a showcase will help me with my topic because I get to learn how to operate it backstage and gain experience with music performance. I will also learn how to manage the acts that will perform.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Blog 6: Second Interview Preparation

1. My mentor is Bruce Vanderveer. He is a music producer/CEO of InRage Entertainment 

2.  The 5 questions I will ask him are....
    1. How did you get the opportunity to work at Sony Music?
    2. What are some ways you spread the word about InRage Entertainment to the public?
    3. What type of trainning does InRage offer for future acts?
    4.  What advice can you give me for starting a home recording studio?
    5. Where would you like to see your record label in 5 years?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog 5: Mentorship and Research Reflection 

1. Mentorship question: Describe your experience in how you found your mentorship?

I meet my mentors at a covention called KCON in 2013. Their names are Bruce and Ebony Vanderveer. They were giving out their record label's buisness cards. When it came time to search for a mentor I gave them a call. I explained to them about the senior project and mentorship. We later scheduled a meeting at their studio where we went over our plan for mentoring activites for the year.  

2. Research question: What has been your most important article you have read so far and why?

The most important article I read so far would have to be one called  "How To Start Your Own Record Label." The article had good information and it was very detailed. I was able to learn a few strategies from reading it. The article was written by an author of Forbes and they referenced other record labels. They also interviewed music executives for their information.